SSssshh..there are somethings I don't want you to know

Monday, September 10, 2007

Angry at my Anger

I have a anger prob. Sometimes, I just get angry and forget what really matters. Thats why I cause my gal so much regards to the incident before this post. Sometimes... Angry..just make me so selfish...and think of myself...and think of wanting to fight...when I forget how vunerable she is.

Argh... i need to control my anger....

Small matters grow Big

Today my girlfriend angry with me during lecture.

Because my facebook status put "Its complicated" Same as my friendster.

Seeing that she is angry, I changed my status to "In a relationship"

Later she took my laptop and changed her status to "Single"

I told her I changed my status already. And yet she doesn't give in. Avoiding my hand when I reach out to hold hers.

After the lecture, I grew exceedingly impatient and angry and stomped out of the room and made it back to PGP by myself.

I have reasons why I put that status. I have an exceedingly cunning ex-wife whom I fear might make use of the fact that I have a girlfriend to her advantage by extorting money from me. How she would do it, i'm not sure. But I don't want her to know...just in case. I just hope to have some understanding. That its not that i'm not proud of my relationship. I just want to be safe. So that the money that I earn will not fall into the wrong hands. At least, until the divorce is settled. And her car is still in my dad's name. Ah crap. Feel like a hostage when it comes to this thing. You might think I'm exaggerating...well..all i can say don't know my ex-wife. She's not 100% evil, but she is capable of some havoc...thats all i'm saying...

I think the tormenting part is that I did promise to put my girlfriend in front of myself. And now I feel like i've betrayed that promise. But this problem with my ex-wife is just so...argh... it doesn't just concern me. It concerns my dad also.

Nevamind. Let's just see how bah...

Sunday, September 09, 2007

My Goal is to be....

Take the Transformers Quiz

Which Transfomer are you?

After I take the quiz on Ee Min's blog, I realise I am...

Take the Transformers Quiz